Increase children's interest in reading
Introducing books with the theme: folklore, fairy tales and education.
Explore the role of parents in children's interest in reading through this Book Fair activity
Ijin Operasional No. 421.1/326-Disdik/2014 - Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bogor. Akreditasi A. Nomor: 126/BAN PAUD dan PNF/AKR/2019. NPSN (Nomor Pokok Sekolah Nasional): 69892491. Playgroup, Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) / PAUD, Harvest City – Cileungsi, Bogor (Narogong - Jonggol - Transyogie - Alternatif Cibubur, Kota wisata, Legenda Wisata, Metland Transyogi, MekarSari).
Increase children's interest in reading
Introducing books with the theme: folklore, fairy tales and education.
Explore the role of parents in children's interest in reading through this Book Fair activity