Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Physical Education - Gymnastic


Kindergarten 1 Apple : Numeracy - Bigger Or Smaller Number


Playgroup Strawberry : Practice For Grand Assembly

Playgroup Strawberry : Lunch Time

Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Numeracy - Bigger Or Smaller Number


Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Snack Time

Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Practice For Grand Assembly


Playgroup Strawberry : Measurement Weight, Height and Head Circumference


Kindergarten 1 Apple : Physical Education - Gymnastic


Kindergarten 1 Apple : Measurement Weight, Height and Head Circumference


Kindergarten 2 : Math - Measure The Length In cm


Playgroup Cherry : Physical Education - Gymnastic


Playgroup Cherry : Lunch Time


Playgroup Cherry : Measurement Weight, Height and Head Circumference


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Measurement Weight, Height and Head Circumference


Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Practice For Grand Assembly


Kindergarten 1 Pineapple : Literacy - Write Simple Word


Toddler : Physical Motor - Throw The Ball

Toddler : Measurement Weight, Height and Head Circumference


Kindergarten 1 Apple : Literacy - Write Simple Word


Kindergarten 2 : Practice For Grand Assembly


Kindergarten 1 & Kindergarten 2 : Moslem Religion - 10 Malaikat Allah


Kindergarten 1 & Kindergarten 2 : Christian Religion - 10 Commandments of Allah